Entegris High Purity PFA Valves

High-purity, PFA corrosion-resistant valves provide maximum fluid control of corrosive chemicals, DI water, solvents and slurries.
Carten High Purity Valves

Carten-Fujikin’s mission is to maintain its position as a world leader in the ultra-high purity valve industry by providing complete customer satisfaction through innovative quality products, on-time deliveries and competitive prices.
SST Vacuum Tubing

Explore SST Vacuum Tubing products from Valex with SemiTorr Group, a FloWorks company. Top stainless steel vacuum tubing solutions for High Purity systems.

We offer ultrapure PFA tubing for use in highly corrosive environments and where resistance to certain specialized developers containing surfactants is required.
Lauda Brinkman

Intelligent temperature control solutions for almost every application have made LAUDA the world market leader for precise temperature control. Our presence makes the competence, innovation, and uncompromising quality of LAUDA available to our customers world-wide.
ESC & Pedestal Refurbishment

Have a question about a specific part or need help on a project?
ICS – Integrated Circuit Support

ICS distributes high technology front-end wafer processing equipment replacement parts. These products include major components for line maintenance used in the fabrication of microelectronic devices.
Plansee Electro-Graph

From the smallest spare part through to the complete ion source. For all wafer diameters and production technologies: With more than 2000 components for implanter systems, we are the world’s largest second-source supplier for ion implantation.
Core Systems

Core Systems is a world leader in semiconductor ion implant outsourcing technology and production implant services. Core Systems product offering also includes; Disk Refurbishment, PVD Silicon Coating and Krytek Ion Source Conditioners to a world-wide market.
TRUMPF Huttinger

Some companies are simply a perfect match for each other because they have similar cultures, their business fields complement each other, or because they share a common vision.